Teachers know first-hand, just how receptive young minds can be. Unencumbered by the learned behaviours of “adult life”, children are full of effortless insight and creativity. And as a society, they are our most precious resource.
But returning to school, navigating friendships, and building relationships with adults can be daunting. And the uncertainty facing us all on a daily basis is trickling its way down to affect the youngest and most impressionable minds. Left unchecked, those stresses will have long-lasting effects on generations to come.
It was this looming threat that led renowned mindset and performance coach, Polly Bateman, to create The Grumpit as a way of empowering her own son, Harry, to deal with the emotional journey he found himself on; a journey shared by all young children trying to find their place in a world of grown-ups. By drawing on her years of teaching CEO’s, entrepreneurs and thought-leaders how to identify and externalise their own limiting behaviours, Polly devised a way to transpose those same teachings into a methodology that worked just as effectively for children: The Grumpit.